This document provides a comprehensive, step-by-step guide for installing SafeSquid on a Microsoft Azure server using a cloud-init script.
This document covers the entire installation process, including initial server setup, partition configuration, dependency verification, and service status checks. Additionally, the document highlights crucial security measures to prevent the creation of an open proxy, ensuring a secure and efficient deployment.
- Microsoft Azure Account: Sign up for an Azure account if you don't already have one.
- SafeSquid Hardware Requirements: Refer to SafeSquid’s hardware requirement for provisioning your server.
- Cloud-init Script: SafeSquid’s Cloud-init script to automate the initial setup and configuration of your droplet.
- SSH Key: For securely accessing the cloud server.
Creating a SafeSquid Virtual Machine
Access your Microsoft Azure dashboard at https://portal.azure.com/#home
Note: For more details on how to setup virtual network in Microsoft Azure, refer to the official guide of Microsoft Azure using the link given below.
Note: For more details on how to setup subnet in Microsoft Azure, refer to the official guide of Microsoft Azure using the link given below.
Note: For more details on how to setup NIC in Microsoft Azure, refer to the official guide of Microsoft Azure using the link given below.
Cloud-init Setup Script
We are using a cloud-init script to automate the deployment process. Use the cloud-init script from the link below: SafeSquid Cloud-init Script
Ensure that all parts of the installation have been completed successfully:
Verify that all the partitions for SafeSquid have been created.
Check the process status of SafeSquid using one of the following commands:
pidof safesquid
netstat -tulnp | grep “safesquid”
Accessing SafeSquid’s web interface.
To access SafeSquid’s Interface securely over the cloud, we recommend you use a SSH tunnel.
SSH tunnelling, or SSH port forwarding, is a method of transporting arbitrary data over an encrypted SSH connection.
Secure Access to SafeSquid SWG for your office network and for your end users.
Ensuring secure access to SafeSquid's Secure Web Gateway (SWG) for your office network and end users is critical.
By utilizing a Virtual Private Network (VPN), you can provide a secure connection that encrypts all data transmitted between your network and the SafeSquid SWG.
This ensures that both office-based and remote users can access web resources safely, maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of your organization's data.
Implementing VPN access to SafeSquid SWG not only protects against potential cyber threats but also ensures consistent security policies are enforced across all users, regardless of their location.
Post-Installation Checklist and Recommendations