Using SSH Tunnels to Access the SafeSquid Admin Interface

Using SSH Tunnels to Access the SafeSquid Admin Interface

SSH tunnelling, or SSH port forwarding, is a method of transporting arbitrary data over an encrypted SSH connection.
SSH tunnels allow connections made to a local port (that is, to a port on your own desktop) to be forwarded to a remote machine via a secure channel.
To Create SSH Tunnels using PuTTY follow below Steps:

Establish a SSH connection with your proxy server

establishing a ssh connection with proxy server by entering all the necessary details
logging in with root username
proxy CLI opened

Now right click on the title bar and select change settings

right clicking on the title bar and selecting change settings

Expand the SSH Settings

Expanding the SSH Settings in the sidebar
expansion of ssh settings

Select Tunnels

Add Source Port

adding the appropriate port

Add destination IP and Port

adding the destination and port in the destination field

Add and Apply the Settings

adding and applying the setting by clicking on add
adding and applying the setting by clicking on add


Using your windows CMD check all connections on port 8080
  1. netstat -a | findstr "8080"

Now configure your browser to use proxy address and proxy port 8080.

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