Upgrade SafeSquid To A Newer Version

Upgrade SafeSquid To A Newer Version


SafeSquid SWG upgrade is a newer version of the SafeSquid that offers a significant change or major improvement over your current version. Upgrade your SafeSquid to the latest version which may consists of bugfixes and enhancements. When you upload latest tarball of SafeSquid SWG from WebGUI monit service will automatically restart the SafeSquid service.


Monit service should be running and started on your SafeSquid server, you can check it by using below command from your SafeSquid server
  1. pidof monit
If you did not find pid of monit, run below command to Start the Monit service
  1. /etc/init.d/monit start 
The partition size of /tmp/safesquid used must be less than 4%, you can check it by using below command
  1. df -kh
After executing the command last line of the output will be similar as shown below
  1. Filesystem                               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    udev                                     1.9G     0  1.9G   0% /dev
    tmpfs                                    392M  880K  392M   1% /run
    /dev/mapper/swg--vg-root                  55G  5.1G   48G  10% /
    tmpfs                                    2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /dev/shm
    tmpfs                                    5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
    tmpfs                                    2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    /dev/mapper/swg--vg-opt+safesquid        974M   38M  871M   5% /opt/safesquid
    /dev/mapper/swg--vg-usr+local+safesquid  1.3G  9.0M  1.2G   1% /usr/local/safesquid
    /dev/mapper/swg--vg-var+db+safesquid     5.7G  268M  5.1G   5% /var/db/safesquid
    /dev/mapper/swg--vg-var+www+safesquid    2.3G   46M  2.1G   3% /var/www/safesquid
    /dev/sda1                                1.9G  157M  1.6G   9% /boot
    /dev/mapper/swg--vg-var+lib+safesquid    5.2G  3.5G  1.4G  72% /var/lib/safesquid
    /dev/mapper/swg--vg-var+log+safesquid    6.1G  3.4G  2.5G  58% /var/log/safesquid
    /dev/mapper/swg--vg-home                  37G   19G   18G  52% /home
    /dev/mapper/swg--vg-var+cache+safesquid  1.3G   24K  1.2G   1% /var/cache/safesquid
    tmpfs                                    392M     0  392M   0% /run/user/0
    /dev/ram1                                 62M  260K   59M   1% /tmp/safesquid
Note: Check the highlighted number which shows the actual usage, if it is greater than 4%, then remove the files from the folder /tmp/safesquid
You can remove files from /tmp/safesquid by using the command:   
  1. rm -rf /tmp/safesquid/*

Access the SafeSquid User Interface

your current version of safesquid will be shown in the right hand bottom corner in the safesquid interface

Go to Support Page

clicking on support 

Go to Upgradation

Note: Download the latest SafeSquid SWG tarball from here and save into your machine. 
clicking on upgradation

Select New tarball

Select the latest SafeSquid tarball downloaded and saved in your machine before.
uploading a new tarball file
selecting the tarball file from the pc
you can see the browsed tarball beside browse button     
Click on upload button to upload new tar file.
clicking on upload button to upload

Testing Upgradation

You can see upgraded version number of SafeSquid SWG at the bottom right corner of interface.
test if the newer version of the safesquid is showing in the bottom right hand corner

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