Unable to upgrade to the latest version

Unable to upgrade to the latest version


Unable to upgrade to the latest SafeSquid version


Monit service should be up.


When you are not able to upgrade latest version of SafeSquid from SafeSquid Interface follow the link How to Upgrade SafeSquid to A Newer Version
Follow below steps if you face upgradation issue
Go to SafeSquid console (putty or Linux box)
Login using the root access.
Check disk space by using the command: 
  1. df -kh
  2. /dev/ram1                                     62M      1.3M       58M      3%     /tmp/safesquid
If the file system /dev/ram1 is full, then remove all files from /tmp/safesquid folder.
  1. root@sabproxy:/tmp/safesquid# rm -rf *

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