Unable to login to specific website

Unable to login to specific website


I can able to access https://www.facebook.com/ via proxy but not able to login on it
I cannot able to login to specific website using Facebook and google+ credential for login via proxy.
I can able to login on https://www.facebook.com/ but not able to login on https://accounts.google.com/
I cannot able to login on https://accounts.google.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/


Case 1: I can able to access https://www.facebook.com/ via proxy but not able to login on it.

When you are able to access https://www.facebook.com/ via proxy by enabling HTTPS inspection section that means your HTTPS configuration is proper with proper configuration of SSL certificate inside browser.
If your HTTPS inspection section is not properly configured follow link Configure HTTPS Inspection
But you are not able to login on https://www.facebook.com/ that means your Cookie Filter section is enabled with global TRUE.
Make sure policy under Privacy Control > Cookie filter > Deny should be with Enabled FALSE. (Search policy under cookie filter: Strip cookies from all connections profiled as NO LOGIN) and disable it.

Case 2: I cannot able to login to specific website using Facebook and google+ credential while login via proxy.

Make sure the website which you are accessing is HTTP or HTTPS website.
If the website which you are accessing is HTTPS you must configured HTTPS sections properly. Follow link Configure HTTPS Inspection
Suppose you not able to login on https://stackoverflow.com/ via Facebook or Google credentials that means your Elevated Privacy section is enable with global TRUE.
Make sure policy under Privacy Control > Elevated Privacy > Elevated policies should be with Enabled FALSE. (Search policy under Elevated Privacy: Blocks the third-party cookies) and disable it.
For more details follow link Block Third Party Cookies

Case 3: I can able to login on https://www.facebook.com/ but not able to login on https://accounts.google.com/

Suppose you are able to login on https://www.facebook.com/ as well as all other website except https://accounts.google.com/ that means your corporate policy under Header Filter section is enabled.
Make sure policy under Privacy Control > Header Filter > Insert should be with Enabled FALSE. (Search policy under Elevated Privacy: Enforce use of corporate Google Account, for all users who are NOT ALLOWED PERSONAL GOOGLE ACCOUNTS.) and disable it.
For more details follow link Block Personal Gmail Allow Google Corporate Accounts

Case 4: I cannot able to login on https://accounts.google.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/

Suppose you are not able to login only on https://www.facebook.com/ as well as https://accounts.google.com/ that means your Block Particular User Login to Facebook or Gmail policy is enabled.
Make sure policy under Real Time Content Security > Content modifier > Rewrite Policies should be with Enabled FALSE.
For more details follow link Block Particular User Login to Facebook or Gmail
Note: If global section is enabled for particular section but policy under that particular section is disabled then that individual policy should not work.

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