Block Particular User Login To Facebook Or Gmail

Block Particular User Login To Facebook Or Gmail


In corporation you have to restrict login usernames from Facebook and Gmail.Except selected users all can able to login into Facebook or Gmail.


HTTPS Inspection should be enabled in SafeSquid. If not enabled, you can check our document - How to enable HTTPS Inspection

Access the SafeSquid User Interface

click on configure in safesquid interface 

Go to Search

click on search in access profiles section 



Go to Content Modifier: Rewrite Policies

click on content modifier from the sidebar under Real Time content Security

Ensure Global Section with Enabled TRUE

ensuring the global section set as true
selecting true in global if it is set to false
click on submit to save the policy

Go to Rewrite Policies and make it Enable 

editing the policy
setting true value in enabled

Enter Username inside Pattern

entering the desired username pattern
click on save to save the policy


Go to Access Profiles to Enable

going to access profile to enable the policy
clicking on edit policy to edit the policy
selecting true to enable it
save the policy

To test

Go to Facebook and Login
Try login to your Facebook account it will show you the below page:
testing the policy

Go to Gmail and Login

Try login to your Gmail account it will show you the below page:
testing the policy by login

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