Save the Global part of prefetching section.
Open the Prefetchng section to change the configuration
Create a list of Entries to implement your Prefetch Policies.
SafeSquid produces a virtual map of the tags discovered on a Web page.
SafeSquid evaluates the list for an entry applicable to each tag.
Evaluation begins with the topmost entry and sequentially iterates until the first applicability match.
Evaluation ignores disabled entries.
Use Profiles, Name of the Tag, Tag Attributes, and Pattern of the Attribute to specify applicability.
Only Entries with both the Name of the Tag and tag Attributes, specified will be applicable.
SafeSquid uses the first applicable Entry and, skips the rest.
Enable or Disable this entry.
TRUE: Enable this entry.
FALSE: Disable this entry.
For documentation and future references, explain the relevance of this entry with your policies.
Specify the Profiles applicable for this entry.
This entry will be applicable only if the connection has any one of the specified profiles.
Leave it Blank, to apply for all connections irrespective of any applied profile.
To avoid application to a connection that has a profile, use a negated profile (!profile).
Tag Name
Specify the HTML tag that should be analyzed for pre-fetchable URLs.
For example: A, img, link, script.
Tag Attribute
Specify the attribute of the HTML tag, holding the URL to be prefetched.
For example href, src, etc.
Attribute Pattern
Specify the regular expression to evaluate the URL discovered in the Tag Attribute. If the regular expression matches, the URL is logically expanded and pushed into the prefetch queue.
Maximum File Size
Specify the maximum size of the file to be prefetched.
Use suffix – K, M, G, for Kilo Bytes, Mega Bytes, Giga Bytes
Hint: Set this to 0 for an unlimited size.
Recursion Level
Set the Recursion limit to 0, or a higher positive integer.
Prefetched content is analyzed, to discover new prefetchable URLs.
Recursion limits this iteration.
Note: Setting to 0 causes links to be followed, indefinitely.
Prefetch Now
Add a popular URL into the prefetch queue. The Prefetched content will be cached.
Add URL to prefetch queue.