How to block or allow the existing categories

How to block or allow the existing categories


I am here because, I have created my all categories from self-service portal (or) from custom categorization from safesquid interface. Now I want to Manage the created categories.
I have created my categories like whitelist, blacklist, trustedwebsitesInternalwebsites
Now I need to use these categories in Access Profiles to take the appropriate Action on these websites
Block the blacklist category
Allow whitelist category
bypass HTTPS for trustedwebsites
bypass Authentication for Internalwebsites


Make sure that sscore section is enabled. And the categorization engine is loaded successfully. You can check this from SafeSquid Statistics page from the interface.
Read more about SafeSquid Statistics Page

Setup Appropriate Action on Categories

Access The SafeSquid User Interface

Click on Configure, you will see below page

Click on configure and then click on add to block or allow the existing categories 
edit policies entry to add to block or allow the existing categories 
To see list of existing categories to add to block or allow the existing categories 
Type category name and select which category which to block or allow the existing categories 

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