Generation of Support tarball

Generation of Support tarball


Bob is facing some issues while configuring policies on SafeSquid SWG. Also, he found crash while doing the same.


Network related issue or issue related policy configuration can be rectified by generating support tarball. It requires SafeSquid logs, Section information, System logs, Config.xml file, Disk Usage information inside filesystem.txt file, iptable rules if any, network setting inside network.txt file, etc.
You can also take backup of your existing configuration by generating a support tarball through SafeSquid interface.


Installation of SafeSquid
Activation of SafeSquid

Access the SafeSquid User Interface

Go to Support Page


Click on Support Tarball


Generate New Support tarball



Download and Extract Support Tarball 

In upcoming releases, you will get options to setup mail alerts. So, whenever SafeSquid will create new support tarball on every crash and send it to SafeSquid servers you should get mail alerts on your registered email ID.

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