Facebook Read Only Mode

Facebook Read Only Mode


Facebook is a social networking website that allows users to interact with other users in a multimedia environment on the Web. Facebook users can install and use applications to enhance their experience. Many organizations want to allow Facebook access to maintain morale, increase retention, and boost hiring, but they also want to control access to it. 
Facebook is not an evil of itself by any means. People are social animals, and the Social Network is indeed an intrinsic part of everyday life for about 800 million people around the world. A friend found his dogs within 6 hours of them going missing, through a chain of events started with a Facebook post, so it can certainly be a force for good.
Numerous reports of cyberbullying, facebook stalking and the friend who got 'facebook fired' for posting something false/untrue, understandably put organisations and instituions on risk.
Unrestricted access to facebook is out of the question for many organisations, and no access at all is a blanket solution. Is there a middleground?
Home users and IT managers using SafeSquid SWG Edition are able to switch Facebook into "read-only" mode.
SafeSquid allows you to give full Facebook access to your social media group, partial access to a customer service group, and read-only access to other groups. Access to Facebook can also be assigned by time of day, so permissions could be relaxed during lunch or after business hours. 

Facebook Read only mode

Understand the possibilities
Restricted Like, comment and share.
Blocking selective Facebook apps.
Allow Facebook login only to specific user or group of users.
Block Facebook chat.


HTTPS Inspection should be enabled in SafeSquid. If not enabled, you can check our document - How to enable HTTPS Inspection

Access the SafeSquid User Interface

Access safesquid user interface to enable Facebook read only mode 
Search 'FACEBOOK READ ONLY MODE' in search section 

Search policy: "FACEBOOK READ ONLY MODE" to Search

Search 'FACEBOOK READ ONLY MODE' in access profiles under restriction policies  

Edit policies and profiles to Enable as TRUE

Enables 'FACEBOOK READ ONLY MODE'  as true to make Facebook read only mode   
Click enabled 'FACEBOOK READ ONLY MODE'  policy as true to make Facebook read only mode   
Save 'FACEBOOK READ ONLY MODE'  policy as true to make Facebook read only mode   

Access FACEBOOK to verify

Access Facebook to verify Facebook read only mode policy 
Test result of Facebook read only mode policy 
Test result of Facebook read only mode policy 
Test result of Facebook read only mode policy 
Test result of Facebook read only mode policy

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