Create And Manage Your Private Categories

Create And Manage Your Private Categories


Custom website categorization in SafeSquid allows you to create your own list of website categories, so that you can easily block or allow list of websites. SafeSquid Web categorization also comes with Some default categories, so that you can use that default categories to block inappropriate content, Phishing, web mails...etc. The features allows you to create categories based on single website as well as Multiple websites.
   In an organization they created the categories same as below.
   Black list category - to block all websites which are not useful for them
   White list category - to allow only limited websites, so that they can save the bandwidth and production
   Bypass SSL category - to bypass HTTPS inspection for trusted and banking websites
   Bypass Authentication category - to bypass Authentication to some of the websites 
   Now they can use these categories in Access Profiles section to allow or block. And in the future also, if the organization decided to add some more websites to black list, then they can easily add that list to Black list without modifying the configuration. You can also create or delete the categories from SafeSquid Self Service portal without any interaction to SafeSquid Web Interface.


Make sure that sscore section is enabled. And the categorization engine is loaded successfully. You can check this from SafeSquid Statistics page from the interface.
Read more about SafeSquid Statistics Page

How to add single website to category

Add a single website to the existing category or create a new category.

How to add Multiple Websites to category

Add multiple websites to the category

How to block or allow the existing categories

Use these categories in Access Profiles to Block or allow the websites in that category

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