Bypass Authentication

Bypass Authentication

Business challenge

Stark tech has 200 employees. Star tech need to use proxy authentication to track employees Internet usage.
The issue faced by Stark tech for automatic updates (AV, MS, etc), which can't get out because of the proxy authentication. Since for user identification they have enabled authentication. For certain applications (like dropbox) which does not support proxy authentication, they want to bypass authentication for that application.

How SafeSquid bypass Authentication?

Access the SafeSquid User Interface

clicking on configure in safesquid intgerface
clicking on search

Edit policy to Enable as TRUE (Access Restrictions)

clicking on edit to edit the policy
edit policy to bypass authentication for applications and for categories
cliking on add new to create a new policy as an example to bypass authentication

How to create new policy to bypass authentication for dropbox?

creating an example of dropbox 

Go to Request Types

going to request types
clicking on add new to add a new request type
creating a policy as an example to bypass HTTPS inspection for DROPBOX
setting smart TLD as true to match all the dropbox websites
giving a unique name for the policy in added request type

Go to Access Profiles

for binding the created request type, go to access profiles in Restriction policies section
creating a policy which will bind the created requst type by adding that in request type and giving a name for the policy in added profiles and writing relevant comment
creating a policy which will bind the created requst type by adding that in request type and giving a name for the policy in added profiles and writing relevant comment
clicking on save policy to save the policy

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