Known Issues with version safesquid-2024.0425.2012.3

Known Issues with version safesquid-2024.0425.2012.3

1. Trusted CA Certificates:
   - When the `trusted-ca-certificates.crt` file is removed, SafeSquid ignores this file during the first reboot and does not load it into the CA bundle.
Work-Around -  Restart the SafeSquid service

2. Extended Logs - URL Missing:
   - The URL is missing in the extended logs for all methods apart from CONNECT.

3. IPv6 and IPv4 Switching:
   - When IPv6 is disabled on the proxy server, SafeSquid does not automatically switch to IPv4,  when `*` is set in the `startup.ini`.
Work-Around - Set the value of LISTEN_IP as in startup.ini . You can do the same in the SafeSquid interface in Start-up Parameters. 

If you are experiencing any of these issues or have additional feedback, please share your insights and solutions with the community!