How To's
How does HTTPS work
When you prepare your web server to use HTTPS you will be asked a few questions about your website and your company including your web site's domain name and your company's name and location. Your web server then creates two cryptographic keys: a ...
How does HTTPS inspection work with SafeSquid
How does HTTPS inspection work with SafeSquid? 1. When user/client request a secure webpage say (a HTTPS site) from the browser, SafeSquid will get CONNECT request from the client browser. 2. SafeSquid will check configuration ...
G-Suite App Sync Setup With SafeSquid
Problem Statement I am using G Suite Sync App to Configure G Suite Account on Microsoft Outlook. This Application is Available for Windows7, Windows 10 I have Installed SafeSquid (SAB) and Enabled Proxy-Authentication. But I am not able to Sync G ...
Generation of Support tarball
Problem Bob is facing some issues while configuring policies on SafeSquid SWG. Also, he found crash while doing the same. Benefits Network related issue or issue related policy configuration can be rectified by generating support tarball. It requires ...
Define User Groups That Correspond To Role-based Groups In LDAP
Overview Creating User Groups based on LDAP users or Groups and enabling SSO authentication for that user. Prerequisites Integrate LDAP server with SafeSquid. If not see our document - Integrate Active Directory for SSO Authentication Note: Avoid ...
Generate Performance Plot From SafeSquid User Interface
Overview This article helps you to understand, how to generate Performance plot from SafeSquid User Interface Access The SafeSquid User Interface click on Support, you will see below page Generate Performance Plot Save the Plot
Failed To Fetch LDAP Entries
Access the SafeSquid User Interface Analysis of SafeSquid native logs
Facebook Read Only Mode
Overview Facebook is a social networking website that allows users to interact with other users in a multimedia environment on the Web. Facebook users can install and use applications to enhance their experience. Many organizations want to allow ...
Enforce Yahoo Safe Search On SafeSquid Proxy
Overview Enforce SafeSearch on Yahoo search results. SafeSquid forcefully enforce the Safe Search on yahoo Search engine. It will not allow you to disable the SafeSearch. When you’re using Yahoo Search at work or at home, SafeSearch can help you ...
Enforce Google Safe Search On SafeSquid Proxy
Overview Enforce Safe Search on Google search results. SafeSquid forcefully enforce the Safe Search on Google Search engine. It will not allow you to disable the SafeSearch. When you’re using Google Search at work or at home, SafeSearch can help you ...
Enforce Bing Safe Search On SafeSquid Proxy
Overview Enforce Safe Search on Google search results. SafeSquid forcefully enforce the Safe Search on Google Search engine. It will not allow you to disable the SafeSearch. When you’re using Bing Search at work or at home, SafeSearch can help you ...
Enabling HTTPS inspection on SafeSquid User Interface
Access the SafeSquid interface Go to Configure Page Open Real time content security side menu Open HTTPS Inspection section Enable HTTPS Inspection Note: In newer versions of SafeSquid which are released after June-2017, setup tab is removed. You ...
Enable captive portal port on SafeSquid
Access The SafeSquid User Interface Click on Configure Page (Top right corner of the interface) Click on Application Setup Click on Network Settings. Then enable "CAPTIVE_PORTAL" and "SSL_TRANSPARENT" entries in the “Listen Subsection" Then Save the ...
Download SSL Certificate From Interface
Overview This article will show download of SafeSquid SSL certificate from the interface. Prerequisites You must have already generated your certificates from the Self-Service Portal. If not see our document Setting up SSL certificates from Self ...
Do Bandwidth Management With Limits
Overview SafeSquid Limits feature allows you to define the bandwidth limits on Download size, Upload size and Download speed. This document helps you to configure the above three features. Prerequisites If you are downloading files from HTTPS ...
Discourage All Users from Login, Post and Upload
Overview Prerequisites HTTPS Inspection should be enabled in SafeSquid. If not enabled, you can check our document - How to enable HTTPS Inspection Access the SafeSquid User Interface Go to Search Search policy: "READ ONLY" to Search Edit policies ...
Deploy SafeSquid Behind Corporate Proxy
Overview Use SafeSquid in front of the corporate proxy. A simple configuration in SafeSquid server, will forward all client requests to the forward proxy i.e. Parent Proxy. Example scenarios: Here am using two proxy servers as SafeSquid only My ...
Define User Groups that include or exclude users based on their Network IP
Overview Creating User Groups based on their network IP Prerequisites Note: Avoid Locking Yourself to SafeSquid Interface When You Are Configuring Policies in Access Restrictions Access The SafeSquid User Interface Go to Configure Page Go to ...
Defend Against Malware And External Attacks
Overview In this world of ubiquitous computers and persistent threats from hackers, protecting your computer is a must. The key pathway through which malware attacks the system is the Internet and its popular service, the Web. There are numerous ways ...
Defend Against Internal Threats And Data Leakage
Overview According to a recent survey of hundreds of IT security professionals, most organizations have major security holes when it comes to protecting themselves against insider threats. Not all data loss is the result of external, malicious ...
Default categories
Category Name Description ads Advert servers and banned URLs advice the forums, discussion boards and the question-answer type web sites Anonymous VPN Sites providing vpn services to the public. The focus is on vpn sites used to hide the origin of ...
Custom Categorization is not Working
Issues 1. I am trying to add new websites to whitelist or black list category, but it is not updating 2. Uploaded a new file with some websites and added to specific category, but I did not find that websites in the respective category 3. SafeSquid ...
Create User Groups based on network IP and LDAP (Active directory)
Overview SafeSquid's Access Restriction section provides you an option to divide your users into specific user groups and use that user groups to define different set of Access Rules to that specific user groups. You want to define an access ...
Create Custom Templates
Overview Templates are used throughout SafeSquid as a replacement for pages which can't be displayed due to filtering, error, or other conditions. Customized templates can be really useful, when you would want the error messages to be displayed in a ...
Create And Manage Your Private Categories
Overview Custom website categorization in SafeSquid allows you to create your own list of website categories, so that you can easily block or allow list of websites. SafeSquid Web categorization also comes with Some default categories, so that you ...
Controlling Uploads To Prevent Data Leakage
Overview Data Loss/Leak Prevention (DLP) is a technique that was designed to stop sensitive information from leaving any organization. Data can end up in the wrong hands, whether it’s sent, through email or instant messaging, forms on any website, ...
Content Filtering
Overview Prevent the users to access the inappropriate content like pornography. Prerequisites HTTPS Inspection should be enabled in SafeSquid. If not enabled, you can check our document - How to enable HTTPS Inspection Select the Filters to block To ...
Caching Specific websites
Overview Content Caching improves bandwidth efficiency. A page or file, when requested by a user, is served to the user and a copy of it is also maintained locally in the cache. So, when a request is made to fetch the same page or file, it is served ...
Bypass HTTPS Inspection by using Request Types
Business challenge The HTTPS inspection Bypass option enables you to define specific websites that are not subject to decryption as they flow through the proxy. Some websites may include personal identification information that should not be decrypt. ...
Bypass Authentication
Business challenge Stark tech has 200 employees. Star tech need to use proxy authentication to track employees Internet usage. The issue faced by Stark tech for automatic updates (AV, MS, etc), which can't get out because of the proxy authentication. ...
block third party cookies
Overview You can block the cookies for third-party domains. Control tracking your activity across different sites and you can hide the referer for third-party domains. Now referer is same as hostname. you can also hide the user agents for third-party ...
Block Specific Youtube Channel
Overview Prevent users to access specific YouTube Channel like 'T-Series'. Note: Blocking of Specific YouTube channel and allowing all the other YouTube videos is a hypothetical scenario. YouTube website is not designed for such hypothetical ...
Block specific website through SafeSquid
Client Scenario Stark tech is having 200 employees. Stark tech distributes all 200 employees into different 'User Groups'. Now Stark tech wants to blocked specific websites for defined 'User Group' say 'MANAGERS' Stark tech challenges are: All ...
Block Personal Gmail, Allow Google Corporate Accounts
Overview Nowadays emails are used very frequently to exchange information between people using electronic devices. In some organization personal emails in the office network are not allowed. Personal emails are blocked to avoid spending of productive ...
Block Particular User Login To Facebook Or Gmail
Overview In corporation you have to restrict login usernames from Facebook and Gmail.Except selected users all can able to login into Facebook or Gmail. Prerequisites HTTPS Inspection should be enabled in SafeSquid. If not enabled, you can check our ...
Block inappropriate images by using Image Analyzer
Overview Use this section to prevent the users from viewing pornographic image content.This section allows you to block inappropriate images by analyzing the graphical content of an image, in real time. Prerequisites HTTPS Inspection should be ...
Block Emails or Files including archives or Social Posts using Keywords
Overview When any employee/user from your network leaked the confidential information intentionally or unintentionally, then what will happen? Huge loss to your organization. In your organization various mediums and modes comes into play for data ...
Block Advertisements And Banners
Client Scenario Ads are annoying and intrusive (64%) Ads are disruptive (54%) Ads create security concerns (39%) Ads affect load time and bandwidth usage (36%) Security was the main reason for blocking of Ads. Blocking of Ads include quicker loading ...
Bind Configuration with SafeSquid
Installation procedure for bind in ubuntu 1. Install bind with the command given below apt-get install bind9 bind9utils Open /etc/bind/ folder to modify named.conf.options and named.conf configuration files. Modify the named.conf.options file with ...
Avoid Locking Yourself When You Are Configuring Policies In Access Restrictions
Client Scenario When you are trying to create policies in the Access Restrictions section of SafeSquid you may get locked out yourself. The first rule that matches a user is applied. You need to create atleast one Admin account, or you might lock ...
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