MD5SECURITY: Provide MD5 security to the packets travelling within the Service Group.
NOSECURITY: No security to the packets travelling within the Service Group.
Encrypted Password
Enter the Encrypted password for simple packet authentication.
Acceptable Forward Method
Select the forward method. The method by which the router transfers packets to the safesquid. Default it is GRE you can select Layer2 also but architectures should support it.
GRE: The GRE forward method will be used by SafeSquid. If the GRE forward method is not supported by the router, then SafeSquid will negotiate with the router.
L2: The L2 forward method will be used by SafeSquid. If the L2 forward method is not supported by the router, then SafeSquid will negotiate with the router.
Acceptable Assignment Method
Select the assignment method. The method that is used by safesquid when it becomes a designated proxy. The default is hash assignment and you can also select mask assignment.
HASH: The HASH assignment method will be used by SafeSquid. If the HASH assignment method is not supported by the router, then SafeSquid will negotiate with the router.
MASK: The MASK assignment method will be used by SafeSquid. If the MASK assignment method is not supported by the router then SafeSquid will negotiate with the router.
Acceptable Packet Return Method
Select packet_return_method. The method that is used by safesquid to return packets to the router. Default it is GRE you can also select layer2. But when you select layer2 as an assignment you should not select GRE as the return method.
GRE: The GRE forward method will be used by SafeSquid. If the GRE forward method is not supported by the router, then SafeSquid will negotiate with the router.
L2: The L2 forward method will be used by SafeSquid. If the L2 forward method is not supported by the router, then SafeSquid will negotiate with the router.
WCCP2 allows to use of 8 ports. You can give 8 separate ports or a range of ports. A comma-separated list of ports or port ranges this entry applies to.
Network Protocol
Select network_protocol. SafeSquid will inform the selection of the router.
TCP: SafeSquid will inform the Router that it should redirect TCP packets.
UDP: SafeSquid will inform the Router that it should redirect UDP packets.
Webcache IP Address
Enter SafeSquid IP address(s) to interact with WCCP router(s) for transparent redirection.