Unable to generate Performance plot

Unable to generate Performance plot


Unable to generate performance plot from SafeSquid Interface: Support Page > Performance Plot


When you install SafeSquid Appliance Builder (SAB) to setup your secure web gateway, the required packages also installed automatically.
The necessary package required to generate performance plot from SafeSquid interface is gnuplot(Command-line driven interactive plotting program)
If you are not able to generate performance plot from SafeSquid interface automatically follow below steps.
Verify the package (gnuplot) is properly installed while installation or not
  1. root@sabproxy:~#  aptitude search gnuplot
  2. i   gnuplot                                                                                    - Command-line driven interactive plotting program
If it is not installed properly installed it manually (Internet is required for installation)
  1. root@sabproxy:~# aptitude install gnuplot
2. Go to this path (location of plot.sh script)
  1. root@sabproxy:~# cd /usr/local/safesquid/ui_root/cgi-bin/
  2. root@sabproxy:/usr/local/safesquid/ui_root/cgi-bin# ll
  3. total 80
  4. drwxrwxr-- 2 ssquid root  4096 Mar 14 11:57 ./
  5. drwxrwxr-- 8 ssquid root  4096 Mar 14 11:57 ../
  6. -rwxrwxr-- 1 ssquid root  1602 Mar 19 16:54 app_template.sh*
  7. -rwxrwxr-- 1 ssquid root   683 Mar 19 16:54 cronentry.sh*
  8. -rwxrwxr-- 1 ssquid root  2542 Mar 19 16:54 kerberos.sh*
  9. -rwxrwxr-- 1 ssquid root 17255 Mar 19 16:54 modify_plot.sh*
  10. -rwxrwxr-- 1 ssquid root  2608 Mar 19 16:54 moniter.sh*
  11. -rwxrwxr-- 1 ssquid root 16869 Mar 19 16:54 plot.sh*
  12. -rwxrwxr-- 1 ssquid root     0 Mar 19 16:54 restart.sh*
  13. -rwxrwxr-- 1 ssquid root   619 Mar 19 16:54 service.sh*
  14. -rwxrwxr-- 1 ssquid root  6193 Mar 19 16:54 support_tarball.sh*
  15. -rwxrwxr-- 1 ssquid root   518 Mar 19 16:54 update.sh*
Here you can see the plot.sh script is available with appropriate permissions.
Once you confirm the availability of plot.sh script, move for your requirements.
3. For specific time range you can generate the plot as below :
  2. Example1 :
  3. root@sabproxy:/usr/local/safesquid/ui_root/cgi-bin#./plot.sh 20180305000000 20180305235959
4. For whole day i.e. march 5th 2018
This will give the performance plot for hole day i.e. March 5th 2018
  1. Example2:  
  2. root@sabproxy:/usr/local/safesquid/ui_root/cgi-bin#./plot.sh 20180305000000 20180305235959
5. Go to below path /var/log/safesquid/performance/  >>  location of generated performance plot
  1. root@sabproxy:~# cd /var/log/safesquid/performance/
  2. root@sabproxy:/var/log/safesquid/performance# ll
  3. total 84968
  4. drwxrwxr-- 2 ssquid root     4096 Mar 21 16:05 ./
  5. drwxrwxr-- 9 ssquid root     4096 Mar 14 12:05 ../
  6. -rw-rw-r-- 1 ssquid root 86732546 Mar 21 16:46 performance.log
  7. -rw-rw-r-- 1 ssquid root   259706 Mar 21 16:46 performance.png

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