To provide a consistent and effective approach to troubleshooting network connectivity and web server issues using key commands.
This SOP applies to troubleshooting sessions involving DNS resolution, port connectivity, web server certificates, and web server responses, with and without proxy usage.
Validate DNS Resolution:
Use the command nslookup to check if the domain name can be resolved to an IP address.
Successful scenario: Screenshot of successful nslookup output.
Unsuccessful scenario: Screenshot of nslookup output indicating resolution failure.
If resolution fails, check DNS settings, server availability, and firewall rules.
Validate Port Connectivity:
Use the command telnet to attempt a connection to port 443 on the server.
- echo "" | telnet <hostname> 443
Successful scenario: Screenshot of successful telnet connection
- echo "" | telnet 443
Unsuccessful scenario: Screenshot of telnet connection failure.
- echo "" | telnet 443
If unsuccessful, verify firewall rules, network restrictions, and server configuration.
Use the command openssl s_client to examine the server’s certificate details.
- echo "" | openssl s_client -brief -state -connect <hostname>:443 -verify_hostname <hostname>
Successful scenario: Screenshot of valid certificate details from openssl s_client.
- echo "" | openssl s_client -brief -state -connect -verify_hostname
Unsuccessful scenario: Screenshot of invalid or expired certificate details.
- echo "" | openssl s_client -brief -state -connect -verify_hostname
Check for validity, expiration, and compatibility with client requirements.
Validate Server Response - without proxy:
Use the curl command to retrieve a response from the web server.
- curl -v https://<hostname> -o /dev/null
Successful scenario: Screenshot of successful curl output with a 200-status code.
Unsuccessful scenario: Screenshot of curl output.
Analyze response codes (e.g., 200 for success, 404 for not found), headers, and content for troubleshooting purposes.
Validate Server Response - with Proxy:
Verify connectivity and web server response through the proxy.
Configure curl to use the proxy with the --proxy option to check the response via proxy.
- curl --proxy --cacert /usr/local/safesquid/security/ssl/ROOT_X509File.cer https://<hostname> --head
Successful scenario: Screenshot of successful curl output with proxy enabled.
- curl --proxy --cacert /usr/local/safesquid/security/ssl/ROOT_X509File.cer --head
Unsuccessful scenario: Screenshot of curl output with proxy blocking.
- curl --proxy --cacert /usr/local/safesquid/security/ssl/ROOT_X509File.cer --head
Access and Filter SafeSquid’s Extended Logs:
Use awk command to view a summary of connections related to the websites you are trying to debug for example “”:
- awk -F'\t' '{print $4, $2, $11, $12, $6, $21, $24, $23, $33, $37}' /var/log/safesquid/extended/extended.log | grep "<website>"
- awk -F'\t' '{print $4, $2, $11, $12, $6, $21, $15, $24, $23, $33, $37}' /var/log/safesquid/extended/extended.log | grep ""
Customize the output with different log keys as needed.
Interpret the Output:
Each line represents a connection, providing key details:
- Date and time
- Client IP
- Username
- Status code
- Referrer
- Requested host.
- Peer
- Categories
- Profiles
Check for status code which ranges from 400-500.
Requests which are blocked by SafeSquid will have status code of 451.
You can get more specific by mentioning IP or username to get user specific logs.
- awk -F'\t' '{print $4, $2, $11, $12, $6, $21, $24, $23, $33, $37}' /var/log/safesquid/extended/extended.log | grep "<WEBSITE>" | grep "<USER IP>"
- awk -F'\t' '{print $4, $2, $11, $12, $6, $21, $24, $23, $33, $37}' /var/log/safesquid/extended/extended.log | grep "" | grep ""
This will only show traffic to the proxy generated from the specified user to the specified website.
Available Log Keys:
- record_id
- client_id
- request_id
- date_time
- elapsed_time
- status
- size
- upload
- download
- bypassed
- client_ip
- username
- method
- url
- http_referer
- useragent
- mime
- filter_name
- filtering_reason
- interface
- cachecode
- peercode
- peer
- request_host
- request_tld
- referer_host
- referer_tld
- range
- time_profiles
- user_groups
- request_profiles
- application_signatures
- categories
- response_profiles
- upload_content_types
- download_content_types
- profiles
Look for status code of 400-500:
Focus on Connections with 400-500 status codes these often indicate blocks or errors.
Use for Detailed Logs:
Note: Ensure that you have enabled debugging logs, you can find below on how to enable debugging log.
Logs are used to hunt issues and crashes and get a clear understanding of system behavior.
Logs enables you to analyses issues with ease. SafeSquid provide such logs which are locate at /var/log/safesquid/native/safesquid.log and /var/log/safesquid/extended/extended.log Respective logs while help in your troubleshooting.
By default safesquid native logs does not provide comprehensive information.
Using safesquid’s debug mode, native log prints comprehensive details.
Below is an example to retrieve complete logs for a specific connection, use script.
- <client_id> | less
Check for any errors in the given connection.
Consult SafeSquid Support (If Necessary):
Before contacting support, create a text file containing the detailed logs for a specific connection using the following command:
- <client_id> > /home/administrator/error_<client_id>.txt
Replace <client_id> with the actual client ID.
- 1257 > /home/administrator/error_1257.txt
Attach this text file to your support ticket to provide the technicians with comprehensive information for better troubleshooting.
Unable to find the root cause of your problem.
After trying all the mentioned troubleshooting steps, if you are still not able to figure out and solve your problem then consult SafeSquid’s support specialist with the output of your attached in your email.
To save the output of redirect the output to a text file as shown below.
- 1257 > /home/administrator/error_1257.txt
When sending a support ticket for your issue add the file error\1257.txt for the support technician to support you better.
Troubleshooting Tips:
Identify Blocks: Look for blocking messages in the logs.
Status code 451 indicates that the website is getting blocked due to proxy rule.
Check Configurations: Review proxy rules and settings for potential misconfiguration.
Analyze Detailed Logs: Use to pinpoint specific issues.
Seek Further Assistance: If you need more help, consult SafeSquid documentation or contact their support team.
Always enable debugging mode before troubleshooting.
Adapt the commands and log keys to your specific needs.
Consult SafeSquid documentation for more advanced troubleshooting.
If you are unable to identify the problem, share the output of with SafeSquid’s Support team via the community forum.