Standard Installation of SafeSquid using SAB in a Virtual Machine with DHCP

Standard Installation of SafeSquid using SAB in a Virtual Machine with DHCP

Standard Installation

The Standard Installation Mode is recommended, and the setup uses mostly pre-configured sub-choices.
Select Standard install and continue.
SafeSquid Secure Web Gateway installation

Network Autoconfigure


Press Yes If you want to use your network DHCP to automatically configure.
showing network autoconfig yes or no option if you want to use DHCP to automatically configure the network configuration

DNS Search Domain

Type any domain name here. By default, it will take domain.local
showing DNS search domain
Remove the default domain name to get the domain name from your DHCP service.

keeping the DNS search domain empty to rely on DHCP

Language Selection

Choose the language to be used for the installation process. 
English is selected as the default language. 
Change it only, if you are not very comfortable with English or prefer regional language over English.
selecting the language

Location/Country Selection

Select your country location which will be used to set your time zone.
This selection is related to ensure correct time settings of the
system. Choose 'other' only if your location is not listed.

Keyboard layout Selection

Select the keyboard layout that matches the origin of the keyboard attached to the system.
selecting keyboard layout
configuring the keyboard

showing loading bar of configuring the network with DHCP

Hostname of Your Server-

Integration with your Active Directory Service requires proper assignment of the Fully Qualified Domain Name.
It is therefore strongly recommended to carefully select the desired hostname for your secure web gateway. 
The default host name is SWG. 
You can give any hostname as per your choice other than safesquid.
entering the hostname for the system

Choose the mirror of Ubuntu archive-

Select the country to find a mirror of the ubuntu archive that is close to you on the network to download required packages.
choosing the ubuntu archive mirror country
selecting the ubuntu archive mirror
showing  http proxy information to enter
You don’t need to add any HTTP proxy, unless you want to explicitly send the traffic via proxy.
This can be used in a situation where an organization has internet connectivity only via proxy.
Leave this blank if not required and press continue.
leaving the http proxy information blank
showing loading bar of downloading ubuntu archive mirror

Load Additional Component-

All the required hardware and additional components details will be loaded automatically.
loading additional components
Note: If you face any error while installing SafeSquid Appliance Builder (SAB-ISO), you will get debugging logs information by pressing ALT+F4. 
To return to the previous screen press ALT+F1.

Configure the Clock

Using Yes or No you can configure the clock.
configuring the clock using yes or no option
You need to scroll down and search your continent and nearby locations time zone.

Setting Up partitions

Installation will proceed with partitioning process required for SafeSquid automatically.
setting up disc partitions
selecting the disk you want to partition
starting up the partitioner
loading bar of partitions formatting
Press Enter for Disk partitioning.
Installation of base system
installing the base system
Installation will automatically install the base system. 
You must wait for some time to finish the process completely.
Error in Installing Base System-
When the Installation step failed while installing base system then in Ubuntu installer main menu select Install the base system and press enter.
It will start installing base system from the beginning.

Configuring the apt

Installation will proceed with configuring apt packages one after the other in this part.
configuring the apt
Select and install software.
selecting and installing the software
The installation process will complete the OS installation in this part.
Error in Install software-
When installing software, the installation step failed then press continue.
Then select and Install Software and press enter. 
It will be installing software from the beginning.

Grub Boot Loader

installing GRUB boot loader

Installation of base system

installing the base system

Finishing installation

The final process of finishing the installation is the last step where the preseed file will be executed.
At the end, the system will reboot itself and goes through some system initialization. 
Afterward, a welcome screen will appear with SafeSquid (Secure Web Gateway) screen.
safesquid secure web gateway
Note: If you face any error while installing SafeSquid Appliance
Builder (SAB-ISO), you will get debugging logs information by pressing ALT+F4 to return to previous screen press ALT+F1.

SafeSquid (Secure Web Gateway) 

Login to the Server

If you observe the screen by default, it will give you username along with the password. 
You need to enter the same username and password for the first login.
* Username: administrator
* Password: safesquid
entering the username
You need to reset the password on the first login.
resetting the password

You land into console where SafeSquid SWG will be seen as shown below after successful login.

safesquid proxy server CLI

Troubleshooting Issues during Installation

1. ISO installation issues