Register and Generate your Activation Key

Register and Generate your Activation Key

Why Register

Before downloading the SafeSquid installer(s), you MUST register to create your account on SafeSquid's self-service portal at - 
Registration is free and requires just a few minutes. 
Your registered account also provides the management of SafeSquid's cloud-backed features, like Custom Web Categorization, VPN support, Configuration Backup, Subscription management, etc.
All registered users are provided with a Product Activation Key. 
After the SafeSquid installation, you must upload this activation key via SafeSquid's Browser based Interface. 
Your users may not be able to access the web until then. Use the same Activation Key across all your instances of SafeSquid, to ensure easy replication of policies, and other common aspects.

Registration Process

Enter your email address, First Name, Last Name, Captcha and then Click on “Sign Up.”
You’ll receive an email to activate your account in your registered email address.
showing how to sign up using your email
Click on “Click here to activate your account.” 
showing how to sign up using your email
You’ll be directed to 
Enter your new password in “New password “, “confirm password.”
showing the user info created
click on “Activate.”
clicking on activate
Enter your username and password and click on “Sign In”
entering the username and password to get your activation key
Activation code will be generated, and you’ll be directed to
Fill in the user info and contact information.
filling the user info and contact info
clicking on save profile button
Once you have filled in all your details click on “Save Profile”             
Your activation key will be generated. 
Click “close”
clicking on close after generating the activation key
You’ll be now redirected to your home page.
To download your activation key, click on “Download Key”.
clicking on download key option on the dashboard
Also, you can get your activation key from the registered email address.
showing how to download your activation key from your email

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