How to change log level to debugging mode

How to change log level to debugging mode

logs are used to hunt issues and crashes and get a clear understanding of system behaviour.
Logs enables you to analyse issues with ease.
SafeSquid provide such logs which are locate at /var/log/safesquid/native/safesquid.log and /var/log/safesquid/extended/extended.log
Respective logs while help in your troubleshooting.
By default, safesquid native logs does not provide comprehensive information.
Using safesquid’s debug mode, native log prints comprehensive details.
Below is an example of logs which is written in default mode.
[Output of find client with LOG_LEVEL set to everything but not debugging]
showing Output of find client with LOG_LEVEL set to everything but not debugging
ushowing the native logs tab in safesquid interface
You can follow below steps to change LOG_LEVEL from default to debug.

Access your safesquid interface.

showing the dashboard of safesquid interface

Click on support which is at top right of the screen.

clicking on support in the top right corner

Select startup params

selecting the startup params in the support

Click on edit icon

click on edit icon
clicking on the symbol in front of the LOG_LEVEL

Click on the symbol in front of LOG_LEVEL

clicking on the symbol in front of the LOG_LEVEL

Copy debugging set number.

copying the debugging set number
pasting the debugging set number in LOG_LEVEL

Paste inside LOG_LEVEL and Click on the tick mark

pasting the number and clicking on tick mark

Now click “Restart” to restart SafeSquid services to apply changes.

clicking on restart to restart SafeSquid services to apply changes.

Click on submit

clicking on submit
safesquid service restarted message
Log will be written in debugging mode. output will have complete connection details. output will have complete connection details
showing native logs tab with complete details

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