Issues 1. I am trying to add new websites to whitelist or black list category, but it is not updating 2. Uploaded a new file with some websites and added to specific category, but I did not find that websites in the respective category 3. SafeSquid ...
Overview Templates are used throughout SafeSquid as a replacement for pages which can't be displayed due to filtering, error, or other conditions. Customized templates can be really useful, when you would want the error messages to be displayed in a ...
Problem To set up your Secure Web Gateway appliance, you need to first install the Linux operating system on your provisioned hardware. Next, harden the system by implementing best security practices and partition the disks appropriately. Afterward, ...
SafeSquid will now exhibit subscription expired promo if Safesquid instance has no active subscription. Subscription expire promo is activated once the SafeSquid distribution license has expired. Also, you can check your subscription validity from ...
Overview We can use SafeSquid Appliance Builder (SAB) to setup your secure web gateway. SAB enables you to transform a standard Intel hardware architecture for servers, into a hardware web security appliance, or setup a virtual appliance on any ...