A comprehensive guide on how to integrate Windows Active directory

A comprehensive guide on how to integrate Windows Active directory

Active Directory (AD) services are crucial for network security and efficient user management within an organization.
High Security: Active Directory services provide layered security, encompassing various policies and permissions to ensure security at different levels. 
This multi-tiered approach to security ensures that network resources are protected against unauthorized access.
Scalability and Extensibility: AD services are easily scalable, making them ideal for growing organizations. 
They can be extended to accommodate new users, groups, and resources without compromising performance or security.
Consistent User Environment: Regardless of the computer or location from which users log on, Active Directory ensures they experience the same settings and access privileges. 
This consistency is vital for organizations with multiple locations or remote workers.
Efficient Object Management: Active Directory provides a streamlined mechanism for locating and managing objects (users, groups, computers, etc.) within the network, enhancing overall administrative efficiency.
Integrating a proxy-based web gateway with Microsoft AD or OpenLDAP offers several advantages, especially for large network enterprises:
User Authentication: The integration allows for authentication of users based on their Directory Service credentials. 
This means that users can access network resources and the internet using the same set of credentials, simplifying the login process, and enhancing security.
Access Control Based on Roles and Hierarchy: The web gateway can control user access to the web based on their roles and positions within the organization. 
This ensures that users only access internet resources relevant to their job functions, enhancing both security and productivity.
Activity Logging and Reporting: With integration, the web gateway can log and report internet usage by individual users and groups. 
This data is invaluable for HR managers and IT administrators for monitoring and analyzing web usage patterns within the organization, aiding in policy formulation and enforcement.
In summary, Active Directory services play a pivotal role in maintaining network integrity, managing user access efficiently, and ensuring a consistent user experience across an organization. 
The integration of a proxy-based web gateway with AD or OpenLDAP centralizes user authentication and access control, streamlining network management and enhancing security.

How Kerberos authentication works

showing  diagram of a how kerberos authentication works


Collect the following information before starting integration.
LDAP Server Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) and IP address.
LDAP Administrator Username and Password. (You can provide any user from LDAP server who has administrator privileges)
LDAP Server Base DN
LDAP Server Domain name

Check the hostname and domain of your proxy server.

Disabling dnssec-validation

Why Disable dnssec-validation?

DNSSEC-validation in BIND 9 is the process of verifying the authenticity and integrity of DNS data using DNSSEC. 
This process ensures that the DNS responses are not tampered with and are authentic as per the originating authoritative DNS server.
However, Active Directory's integrated DNS service, especially in older versions, may not fully support DNSSEC. 
DNSSEC involves complex cryptographic operations for signing and validating DNS responses, which may not be natively handled by AD's DNS services.

How to disable dnssec-validation

Access command line interface of your proxy server
Edit the file using nano or vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options.
By default, dnssec-validation is set to yes.
when configuring SafeSquid to integrate with LDAP, change the value of dnssec-validation to no and save the file.
editing and entering no in dnssec-validation value

Now restart your bind9/named service.
restarting the bind9 service

Ensuring DNS resolution via Bind9/Named.

Why it is important for the name resolution to be done via bind9.

When integrating SafeSquid with your active directory (AD) server, a new zone file is created a zone file for bind9/named for conditional forwarding.
It means that all the DNS queries related to your domain will be resolved using your AD DNS server.
So, when using a name server other than bind9/named, safesquid will not be able to perform conditional DNS forwarding.

How to check the DNS server SafeSquid is using for name resolution.

You can validate using the below mentioned command.
nslookup safesquid.com
checking the DNS server SafeSquid is using for name resolution
And the search domain should be set as your domain name.
Add if search domain inot present, then add the search domain in your netplan configuration.
vim /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml and add search domain in the search section of the configuration.editing the netplan file
After adding save and exit the file.
adding nameservers and saving it
Apply changes made to the configuration file.
applying changes made to the configuration file
Now check your resolv.conf file
checking the resolve.conf file
If you have multiple domains add the second right after the first domain with a space.
adding multiple domains in netplan file
Now check your resolv.conf file
Checking resoolve.conf file

Check Directory permission of /tmp directory.

The /tmp directory to have read write and executable permission for all users.
This is essential because for the generation of Kerberos tickets, SafeSquid is required to generate temporary file.
You can give required permission to /tmp directory is below mentioned command.
chmod 777 /tmp

Check if your monit service is running and monitoring files.

Why is monit daemon required?

Monit is a versatile tool for managing and monitoring Unix systems, primarily used for automatic maintenance of services and system health monitoring. 
It operates as a daemon, providing capabilities to restart failed services and track system metrics and configuration files.
Monit is used to monitor /usr/local/safesquid/security/dns/safesquid.dns.conf file.
safesquid.dns.conf file is responsible for your domain’s DNS conditional forwarding.

How to check monit status.

You can check the status of your monit using below mentioned command.
checking the status of monit service

How to check service and file monitoring status for monit

Using monit summary you get a concise overview of the status of all services and system resources being monitored. 
showing command monit summary
Check the status of watch.safesquid.dns.conf

monit summary file showing

Adding DNS Entry in your Active directory

Open “Server Manager”.

opening DNS in tools in server manager

Click on “Forward Lookup Zones”

clicking on forward lookup zones

Select your domain.

selecting your domain 

Right click on your domain  and select New Host(A or AAAA)

Enter the hostname and IP address of your proxy server

Entering the hostname and IP address of your proxy server
To check your hostname of your proxy server, just run the command hostname -f in your proxy server and it will show your complete hostname and using ifconfig -a command you can get IP address of your proxy server.
cheching the hostname and IP address of your proxy server
showing added hostname and IP address
showing host record proxy successfully created

Ping your proxy server using its fqdn from your cmd of windows server.

Pinging your proxy server using its fqdn from your cmd of windows server.

Integrating your windows active directory server with SafeSquid

Open up SafeSquid’s web interfac http://safesquid.cfg

Go to configure -> Application Setup -> Integrate LDAP

showing global tab of integrate LDAP section

Creating a new LDAP policy.

showing tab of LDAP servers

For the “Ldap FQDN\IP” enter your Ldap FQDN and IP as shown.

creating new LDAP entry and showing the fields to fill

Select Ldap Bind Method as NEGOTIATE_LDAP_AUTH

selecting ldap bind method as NEGOTIATE_LDAP_AUTH

Enter the username for the administrator account.

Entering the username for the administrator account.

Enter your password twice.

Entering your password twice

Enter the Basedn.

Entering the Basedn.

Enter LDAP Domain 

Entering LDAP Domain

Save policy. 

saving the policy

Now check if you can view your LDAP entries.

checking the LDAP entries

For situations where you are unable to 

Go to Access restriction.


setting sso as true in global section of access restrictions

Create a new access policy with PAM authentication set to TRUE.

creating a new access policy with PAM authentication set to true

Users can now access websites via proxy without providing credentials.

(Note: If you are not logged in for the first time try, sign out and sign back into your desktop.)

Configuring your client desktop

Check your DNS server.

Access your networking setting in windows.
Open run using win key + r and enter ncpa.cpl
opening run and entering ncpa.cpl
Check the DNS settings of your network primary interface or the network interface which is connected to your corporate lan.
Checking the DNS settings of your network primary interface or the network interface which is connected to your corporate lan
Click on details for additional details.
Clicking on details for additional details.
 Your IPv4 DNS Server should be your AD server.showing IPv4 DNS server as AD server
Configure proxy server in your client desktop.
Note: When configuring your proxy setting, ensure that you are using FQDN and not the IP address of your proxy server.
configuring your proxy in your system
Open your browser and start browsing.
Note: you should be authenticated without requesting credentials, if you are requested for user authentication please recheck if you have followed all the mentioned steps correctly.

Validate using developer tools from any browser.

validating using developer tool from any browser

Validating using client_id

validating using client ID

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